When I made this list last year, I wrote how crappy music had become and how I could only come up with 17 candidates for a top ten list. Well, things must be even worse because there's only fifteen albums for me to choose from for my Top 10 CDs of 2008. The strange thing is I obtain new music constantly, only it's not actually "new." With the music industry having gone to shit, if one wishes to expand his horizons the only way to go is backward. I just keep discovering older music and rolling with it as if it were new. Matter of fact, I found a few cd's from last year that probably would have cracked that list. What can I say? There's a lot of underground and obscure shit out there...it's impossible to get to it all in a timely fashion.
Before revealing my list, I'd like to make one disclaimer: This is not a list of my favorite albums, like the still forthcoming Top 25 favorite CDs list I keep talking about. These ten discs are the
best to come out from last year. It is not my opinion; it is my fact. Here we go:
- David Cook - David Cook
- Oasis - Dig Out Your Soul
- Erin Bode - The Little Garden
- Asher Roth - The Greenhouse Effect Vol. 1
- Everclear - The Vegas Years
- Elzhi - The Preface/Europass
- Cookin Souls - Ojayzis: Jay-Z vs. Oasis
- Johnson & Jonson - Johnson & Jonson
- The Roots - Rising Down
- Atmosphere - When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold
You might have noticed that this year's best are a little less rap-heavy as compared to last year. That's because hip-hop had a banner year in awful, which is really saying something given the direction the genre has been headed for years now. To top it off, two of the five rap cd's are white guys (Asher Roth and Atmosphere)! That Cookin Souls disc has rap, but it's a mashup so I consider that to be in a different category. The other five albums are rock/jazz, including four of the top five. And the best album of 2008 is by none other than David Cook, the most recent
American Idol winner. And before you get all pissy in the comments, know that this man has a sound like no other
Idol grad. His shit rocks, as does the new Oasis cd...I urge you to check them out.
Let me know what you all think. I'm sure there'll be plenty of disagreements. And while we're at it, fill me in on the nonsense you've been listening to this past year. Perhaps I've overlooked something (though I doubt it). For posterity's sake, check out last year's top ten by clicking on the link below. I think I like those better than this year's crop. Let's hope this is not a developing trend...
Top 10 CDs of 2007