Just when you think rap music can't possibly get any worse. Enter Soulja Boy, stage left. Look at this guy. The level of buffoonery is off the charts! First it was Crank Dat (Soulja Boy) and that Superman bullshit, which was bad enough. Then it was Soulja Girl (clearly the next logical step). Now he's back with this new song called YAHHH! And by song, I mean abortion. Have you seen this shit? I'm guessing not, knowing the type of people who'd waste time reading what I have to say. I guess that's what you need me for, to point out this type of inanity.
YAHHH! is what the 17-year old rapper says to all the adults who try to run his life. In the song, it seems like he says it about 250 times. And this is considered rapping? True, "yahhh" does rhyme with "yahhh," but what ever happened to good, old-fashioned lyricism? Oh how I long for the days of Biggie, ATCQ, Red & Mef, etc. I want the '90s back !!! A word to any record execs who might be reading this: Stop ruining my music. I will hurt you.
Worst of all is the fact this steaming pile of shit, and all steaming piles of shit like it, are selling like motherfuckin' hotcakes. And not that frozen mess; I'm talkin the good stuff. Bob Evans, bitch! I suppose in retrospect it's hard to blame these industry types for continuing to put crap like this out when people keep buying it. Let's not forget ringtone sales as well, which has become as important, if not moreso, that actual record sales. So allow me to change up my original message. A word to any "rap" fans who might be reading this: Stop ruining my music. I will hurt you.
Below is the minstrel-like video for YAHHH! It is as bad as the music itself. Now, I am not a black man, but I feel like if I were, I'd be pretty disgusted with how this reflects on my people. I dunno, maybe I'm off base; there's a first time for everything. But I doubt it. Chime in, kids. What do y'all mofos think?
1 comment:
Wow thats awesome, "I take out my report card... put some D's on it, put some D's on it" Wow, really? Really? Perhaps hip hop is dead. For a little relief check out Immortal Technique (Revolutionary volume 2)and Brother Ali (Uncle Sam Goddamn)
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