A while back one of my polls asked readers to choose what you wanted from this site. Out of all the choices, drunken rant won easily. In typical fashion, I ignored my responsibility. This has been my modus operandi for too long. It's time to right this ship! With that said, I've decided tonight is the night to make good on my promise. I've been drinking scotch since 3:45pm EST. Once I finish the bottle, it's off to work I go. There's no set idea for the post; I'll be flying by the seat of my pants. So look out for that later on tonight or tomorrow morning, and here's to hoping I can get my goddamn act together. Cheers.
that's night train, not scotch. don't try to be fancier than you actually are
That picture is from about six years ago. Get on the ball.
Damn I look young. And dead on my feet. Yeah, that's definitely me in that picture. The shirt I'm wearing is from my '03 study abroad. Is that the beach house? I'd say the picture is most likely from the 03/04 new years shindiggery.
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