Monday, June 16, 2008

Random Related Realization

I kinda feel like most people nowadays have taken Madonna for granted. She's over-saturated and old as dirt. She married Guy Ritchie, immediately ruined his ability to make awesome British gangster flicks, and mysteriously developed an overnight British accent of her own. She "found" Kabbalah and managed to turn it into a trendy Hollywood religion. Yet, take a look at this SNL clip from 1991. Madonna was smokin hot!!! Next time some old geezer corners you with some story about how things were better in the good ol' days when he walked to school in two feet of snow, uphill both ways, and you young whippersnappers have no sense of history or reality, heed his words and remember that fake stupid old bitches were once gorgeous centers of the universe. Also, Mike Myers and Dana Carvey are comic geniuses. Enjoy.

1 comment:

alikerlin said...

i would just like to make the observation that, when living at legion lane, we did walk up-hill both ways and, sometimes in two feet of snow