Saturday, December 6, 2008

Weekly Poll Not Wednesdays!!!

Ok, it's not Wednesday. It's been more than a month since I put up the last poll. I have no right calling it "Weekly Poll Wednesdays." I get it. I get it. Relax, I have no energy. Last time we pontificated upon the best horror movie franchise. Here are the results:

Saw (36.4%)
Nightmare On Elm Street (27.3%)
Halloween (18.2%)
George Romero's Zombie Films (9.1%)
Friday The 13th (9.1%)

You all liked Saw. Fine. I voted for Jason, which came in last. This tells me people today spurn movies "before their time" for films they remember being in theaters last year. Don't get me wrong, I like all the Saw movies. It's just that I'm able to recognize superior film making over glitz and glamor. Perhaps you're not. I'm amused by the fact that the two selections I would have placed at the top of this poll came in last. Shame on you. Do yourselves a favor and study up. Damn, there goes my Kurosawa poll.


Since no one besides myself is up to the task, filmically speaking, see if you can wrap your heads around this: How would you, faithful reader, describe me? I've provided selections with little thought involved. Of course, my introduction to this week's poll may have answered the question for you already (hint???). This is a good question to pose right now, since I'll be out of your lives for the next couple of weeks (more on this in future posts). Use this poll question to satisfy your jones for Can I Live? in the meantime.


alikerlin said...

you see, the choices weren't fair. there was no "asshole" or "jock" or "pain in the ass".

i call shenanigans

Chris Hampton said...

Seconded. I'll get the brooms...

Justin said...

Feelings, gentlemen. There's such a thing as feelings.