Monday, April 28, 2008

Anti-Monday Morning Asshole

Believe it or not, I didn't run into any assholes this week. I know, I can't believe it either. There were a bunch of terrible jocks at this ridiculous bar I went to on Saturday night, but I didn't have any run-ins so all is good. One quick side note: a friend of mine coined a new term, jockfoolery. It's the combination of jocularity and tomfoolery, and describes the behavior of most male patrons of this bar I was at the other night. I think it's fantastic. Plus it rhymes with Chuck Woolery, which is always good. Corleone will probably work that into one of his songs at some point. Anyway, since there were no assholes this week, enjoy this video in its place. It comes courtesy of Jim, a regular contributor here at Can I Live?

1 comment:

J.A. said...

Did you get to see Tim & Eric while they were in town? I was hoping for one of them to come sit on me, but it didn't work out.