Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Weekly Poll Wednedsays!!!

There was some controversy surrounding this week's voting. As I'm sure many of you have noticed, the total amount of votes add up to more than 100%! I'm not sure how this happened, but I have two hypotheses:
  1. The geeks at Vizu who run these polls were so excited over its content that they allowed free reign over voting, leading to the surplus in percentages.
  2. The geeks at Vizu who run these polls were so enraged over its content that they purposefully skewed the voting, so as to devalue the validity of the results.
Either way you look at it, there must have been a shiteload of respondents because the final results add up to 136.4%. I am not surprised by the results, however, given the age and demographic of this site's readers. World of Warcraft is "in" right now, whereas Star Trek was definitely more popular amongst the previous two generations. I think all three sets of fanboys have some major issues they need to address. By the way, I can say these things because I'm no fan of any of this crap. Here are the results:

Star Trek (27.3%)
Dungeons & Dragons (45.5%)
World of Warcraft (63.6%)


The new poll is up. It concerns silly exclamations, of which I am quite fond. Sometimes you're in a situation that calls for an abrupt conversation, but can't curse(only honkies "cuss"). What do you say? These four choices were the first that came to mind, but I'm sure there are many others. Which one is your favorite? Vote in the poll and leave some of your other favorite exclamations in the comments. I will pick my favorite among the ones in the comments section next Wednesday. The winner will get a prize!

1 comment:

Chris Hampton said...

Heavens to Betsy!
Heavens to Murgatroid!
Great Googly-Moogly!
Malarkey! (possibly my favorite)
Oh my Lucky Stars!
Well isn't that just the Bees Knees!
" " " Cat's Whiskers!

And we can't forget that iconic phraseology made famous by Arnie:
"Come on! What are you waiting for! Kill me!"